Martina Pezzino is a certified nutrition consultant, holistic health coach, and sacred ritual facilitator. Martina specializes in women's health and hormones, and weaves together holistic nutrition, nervous system healing, and sacred ritual in a unique health coaching model. Martina specializes in wellness through the motherhood journey, and is on a mission to help women shift out of survival mode and unlock their life force energy so they can thrive in their beautiful lives.

Meet Martina Pezzino

We connected with Martina just before her birthday during Scorpio season on November 6th. Happy Birthday, Martina!—

What does it mean to you when you hear "run your business like a Scorpio?"

A Scorpio-business is run with so much passion, drive, and determination. A Scorpio could never run a surface-level business—no matter what they are selling, there are always layers and layers of depth and transformation wrapped up in the package. Scorpios are also deeply connected to their own magic, and would rely on their powerful intuition to make business decisions. 

Do you "run your business like a Scorpio?”

I absolutely do. I have so much intensity around my desires and am overflowing with internal drive to achieve my dreams. I am a nutrition coach (which is important, but more surface level), and I also weave together sacred ritual and deep healing work (which is waaaay deep beneath the surface). People might find me looking for a meal plan, and then leave with a sacred ceremony to heal their relationship with their body—so Scorpio. I even weave tarot card readings into my nutrition sessions…definitely unusual, but very in alignment with my Scorpio magic.

My Virgo rising definitely brings grounded balance to my business—I am very organized and thrive with structure. But my Scorpio soul brings the magic, the passion, and the deep transformation that makes my business uniquely me.

Any advice to women business owners, and women in general, of what they should do or not do during Scorpio season? What can they get done? What area of their business or life should they be investigating during this season of the year?

Scorpio season is a powerful time for introspection, rebirth, and transitions. Take some time to look at your business and ask—is there anything that feels stagnant, or no longer aligned, that it is time to renew? Is there anywhere in your business that feels like it’s asking for more depth, perhaps that has been kept surface-level and is now ready to transform?

This is also a great season to do some inner work around your business. Are there any old beliefs or limiting patterns that are no longer serving you, perhaps around money, worthiness, authenticity, or vulnerability? Take some time each week to get in nature and journal on how you’re feeling in your business, where fear is still coming up, and what that fear is here to tell you. Scorpio season is all about going deep into the shadows, baby!

This is a season to avoid doing just for the sake of doing—if things are just keeping you busy, or you are launching something just because you feel like you should, you may feel the tension of that with the medicine of Scorpio season. We should also not rush into decisions in this season—take as much time as you need to reflect and check in with your intuition.

What are you most excited about or looking forward to in Scorpio Season 2024?

I love this season for how magical everything feels. Autumn deepens, the nights lengthen, Halloween looms, and magic is potent in the air. Cozy sweater weather, flickering candles, the life-death cycle all around us…it’s just perfect. The deep inner work is where I thrive, and this is definitely the season for it.

I do freaking love my birthday, and I take it as a “me day” every year—I have a full day of things that light me up, as well as deep ceremony and reflection on the transformation of the past year and visioning for the year ahead.

I am also launching my first group-coaching program in Scorpio season after years of one-on-one offerings, and am so fired up about the depth of healing that is available when we heal in community.

Learn more at Luia Wellness.