Cahill Connolly Van As is a visual storyteller who helps people share their story authentically through imagery. She’s the founder of Orion Photographie where she draws inspiration from the Nievre, in Burgundy, where she lives. Her most recent solo photo exhibition is entitled “MesDames, Made in Nievre,” and features a series of portraits of local female entrepreneurs. Based in France, she’s happy to travel to her next project.

Meet Cahill Connolly Van As

We connected with Cahill just before her birthday during Virgo season on August 30th. Happy Birthday, Cahill!—

Do you "run your business like a Virgo?”

People tell me this all the time—I take it as a compliment, of course. It means that you’re doing well; your business is on point!!…Ha, I’m obviously biased. I love Virgos and being a Virgo. We are the best!

When I hear this I think of a well-run business, reliable, efficient and organized, honest—a human element and realness, a clear and confident voice, detail-oriented, high quality, creative and beautifully presented, meaning design and style are on point.

If a Virgo sets out to do something, they usually do it and do it well…we are determined, hard-working, and also stubborn.

I work best when my office and workstation is in order, everything is in its place, my calendar is organized and coded, jobs are scheduled, and my to-do lists have at least a few items checked off.

My closet is another example of my Virgo-an tendencies: I have a system and way that I organize my clothes and accessories. This gives me peace of mind and makes getting dressed and putting together a look, a joy. I love fashion, so this really makes this Virgo happy.

Any advice to women business owners, and women in general, of what they should do or not do during Virgo season? What can they get done? What area of their business or life should they be investigating during this season of the year?

It’s back-to-school vibes, new looks, energy shifts, and movement, and it’s full of possibility and potential. The end of August is a transitional time where the energy is about to change. Take advantage of it. Rest while you can, but also lay the groundwork and get ready for the shift that hits in September. This is not a time to sit back and wait. You got this!

Pause and reflect, set goals, dream, update outdated systems, commit to something, do something to make yourself feel good like refreshing your wardrobe, organizing your home or office, or finally doing that thing you’ve been thinking about all summer—whatever that means for you.

Focus on a small task (like cleaning up your email or organizing your shoes or your spice rack) or a big one (like cleaning out your closet, launching a new offer, or contacting that dream client).

Get into the details, bring forth and showcase what’s working, and let go of the rest. Start September feeling confident, prepared, organized, and approaching your next steps with clarity and determination.

What are you most excited about or looking forward to in Virgo Season 2024?

I love this time of year—the excitement, the fresh air and vibrant energy, and transitioning into a new cycle. I love the energy of everything restarting in September and the preparation that precedes it. True Virgo vibes coming through.

I’m excited about my birthday; it’s always a personal day as I get quite introspective and reflective, and I love what it signifies… another year here, another year lived, full of gratitude and appreciation, and feeling the excitement for all that’s to come and all the possibilities in front of me.

I’m looking forward to jumping back in after a restful and inspiring summer. Professionally, I have a few exciting projects and shoots coming up, as well as Paris Fashion Week at the end of September. I’ve been working on a few new updates to my website and some posts for my socials where I’ll be sharing recent work and lots of travel from this summer. Stay tuned for those soon.

In France, where I live, they have a name for this time of year and the shift of “back-to-school” and “back to work", it’s “la rentrée.” It’s palpable here, moreso than in the US, since everything really shuts down and everyone takes off in August. You can feel the energy change overnight at the beginning of September, everyone is back, the streets are packed, the stores are open, everywhere is busy, people are moving around fast and with purpose. It feels alive, and full of possibilities.

Learn more at Orion Photographie.