Alexis Gonzalez is a dedicated healer and advocate for inner child work. Based in the vibrant Bay Area, she blends her diverse expertise to guide transformative ancestral healing ceremonies using psilocybin mushrooms. Passionate about helping people reconnect with their inner selves, she specializes in fostering presence and joy in everyday life.

Meet Alexis Gonzalez

We connected with Alexis just before her birthday during Virgo season on August 28th. Happy Birthday, Alexis!—

Do you "run your business like a Virgo?”

When I hear "run your business like a Virgo," I think of qualities like perfectionism and meticulous organization. While I admire these traits, I’ve learned that waiting for everything to be perfect can actually hinder progress. If I had waited for everything to fall into place perfectly, I might never have launched my business.

As a Virgo, I tend to be very self-critical, but I've learned to give myself grace, especially in the early stages of my business. I’ve come to view challenges not as setbacks but as opportunities for growth. Virgo energy often involves detailed planning, but I’ve also embraced the importance of going with the flow and trusting that everything is unfolding as it should.

In my business, my Virgo traits manifest as a commitment to continuous improvement and a keen attention to detail. I’m always seeking ways to enhance my offerings and the client experience. As long as I’m giving my best and learning from each experience, I’m content and confident that I’m on the right path.

Any advice to women business owners, and women in general, of what they should do or not do during Virgo season? What can they get done? What area of their business or life should they be investigating during this season of the year?

During Virgo Season, my advice to women business owners and women in general is to focus on strategic planning and reflection. This is a great time to assess your progress and find ways to finish the year strong. Start setting intentions for the upcoming year, and delve into goal-setting to ensure you’re prepared for a successful start to the new year. Use this period to evaluate what’s working, identify areas for improvement, and map out actionable steps to achieve your vision. Embrace the Virgo season energy to refine your plans, streamline your processes, and lay a solid foundation for future success.

What are you most excited about or looking forward to in Virgo Season 2024?

In Virgo Season 2024, I’m most excited about expanding my reach and connecting with individuals who are ready for transformative experiences and meaningful growth and eager to embrace life to its fullest. I look forward to meeting those who are open to exploring unconventional healing modalities that truly work, and to supporting them on their journey toward greater fulfillment and self-discovery.

Learn more at MicroLove by Alexis.